1.I am at least 21(legally adults)years of age.
2.The sexually explicit material I am viewing is for my own personal use and I will not expose minors to the material.
4.The viewing, reading and downloading of sexually explicit materials does not violate the standards of my community, town, city, state or country.
5.I am solely responsible for any false disclosures or legal ramifications of viewing, reading or downloading any material in this site. Furthermore this website nor its affiliates will be held responsible for any legal ramifications arising from fraudulent entry into or use of this website.
6.I am solely responsible for any false disclosures or legal ramifications of viewing, reading or downloading any material in this site. Furthermore this website nor its affiliates will be held responsible for any legal ramifications arising from fraudulent entry into or use of this website.
7.This warning page constitutes a legal agreement between this website and you.
8.All models/ actresses and actors whose images appear on this site are over the age of 21(legally adults), have consented being photographed and/or filmed, have signed model release and provided proof of age.
9.If you've read and fully understand the above agreement, and you affirm and swear that viewing/downloading/receiving sexually explicit materials does not violate the standards of your community, that you won't make any of the materials available to minors in any form, that you are wholly liable for any legal ramifications that may arise for your receiving or viewing of these materials and that you are over the age of 21(legally adults) you may enter the site.
This site is not intended for solicitation. We are not associated with anybody reviewed on this site. We do not receive any financial recompense from the ladies reviewed. These ladies are professionals, any money paid to them is for time and companionship only. Anything else that occurs is a matter of choice between consenting adults. Prostitution is illegal. It is illegal to sell or buy sexual services. You can give it away for free, but you can't sell it. Therefore, everything contained here is fiction and is for your entertainment and amusement only
The contents of this site are registered and fully protected under the United States Copyright Act. No portion of the site may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, transmitted or otherwise used without the prior written consent of Modakclub, Willful infringement of copyright may result in the award of statutory damages of up to $100,000 per act of infringement, attorneys fees, seizure and destruction of infringing materials, and injunction against further acts of infringement.
In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 21(legally adults) U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 21(legally adults)years of age or older during the time of photography. All models' proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed on the custodial records page, organized by producer. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 21(legally adults) U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations. For info on preventing minors accessing inappropriate material, visit NetNanny, CyberPatrol, Surf Watch, CyberSitter, SafeSurf. Adult Website Business, an Modak company, is responsible only for the original design of this website, created on Aug 4, 2007. The owner of this site is responsible in keeping up with all US 2257 regulations.